Monday, July 7, 2008

Queen Megan and the Quest for the Perfect Yellow Nail Polish

Several weeks ago at our Sunday family dinner my sister asked me if I had, or knew of, a pretty yellow nail polish. I told her I didn’t but I would keep my eye out. Since then I have been on a crusade of sorts to find the perfect yellow nail polish. My first discovery was Essie Short Pants. It is nice but the yellow is so neon and brackish. Next I read a blog review of Chanel L.A. Sunrise but it is a limited edition polish and sells for $25 a pop, talk about a quick nix from the list. Next, while I was at Target I found a canary yellow that made my heart sing! Bonus it was less than a buck! I hurried home to test it out. The problem is that the polish is a streaky as a rebellious diaper hating two year old! Just when I was about to give up hope, a favorite blogger of mine posted swatches of three different yellow nail polishes. I really like Yellow Fever but find the name ironic since the cost is so high.

While I may not have the perfect yellow nail polish in my possession, I felt compelled to blog about it and include links.

1 comment:

TaLaisa said...

Hey thanks Sis! I love the China Glaze yellow swatch. That is a great color. I think the color I am after is a color I once had wished to purchase back in our youth.

IT was pale creamy yellow, Hard Candy had the perfect shade. Alas back then $10 a bottle was too rich for my blood.