Thursday, August 28, 2008

Things to do while job hunting

1. Start a new book, or two, or three ...
2. Clean the cats litter box.
3. Play with the cats, pet the cats, groom the cats, hold the cats (It is all about the cats).
4. Catch up on laundry.
5. Catch up on dishes.
6. Become violently ill and spend nearly 20 consecutive hours in bed sleeping.
7. Write silly lists
8. Paint your nails.
9. Catch up on all the cleaning.


aubrey said...

1. Good idea, very good idea!
2. Stinky idea
3. Relaxing idea
4. Monotonous idea
5. Raisin fingers idea
6. Not a good idea (I think this should me crossed off the list IMMEDIATELY! Are you feeling better?)
7. Like this one? Next list 10 Reason Why Pickles Do Not Yodel....
8. Beautifying idea p.s. I need a touch up, when can I schedule an appointment?
9. Hard work idea

cbostler said...

I love your list!

I'll bet Pixie and Monet think they are in heaven as they bask in all this mom time.

I've seen you in action when you get into a cleaning frenzy. Is your apartment ready for a white-glove inspection by the ward gossip yet?

aubrey said...


Check my bloggie blog!