Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Queen Megan and the Five Minute Walk

I’ve set a new goal for myself to take three five minute walking breaks while I am at work. Over the past two weeks I’ve noticed I am very sore nearly 80-95% of the time and I feel less sore the more I move about. It is my thinking that by spending at least 15 minutes each day while at work walking it may help to alleviate the pain. I’ll have to keep things updated and we’ll see how I progress.


Houston said...

I think that's a great plan! Hooray for less sore!

cbostler said...

I'm proud of you! I'm exercising fifteen minutes a day, too. It takes me five minutes to get up the stairs at home; five minutes to stand around trying to remember why I'm there; and another five minutes to make it back downstairs.
Whew!!! I've worked up a sweat just thinking about it!

Megan said...

Mom! I think I cried from giggling so hard at this reply!

ADDollhouse said...

That is a very good plan and I condone (if not emulate) it! KUDOS!!!
Oh, p.s. the reason why all of these comments are coming, like, NOW is because I am finally catching up on email and blogs and stuff! XOD

TaLaisa said...

That is awesome Meg! Way to go. Less sore is definitely better.