Saturday, July 5, 2008

Driveway of Fire 2008!

Historically speaking, I don’t do much in the way of celebration for the 4th of July. However, this year Jake and I attended the Driveway of Fire 2008 hosted by the Williams family. It was awesome! Literally! I’m so glad we got invited because it was the highlight of my 4th of July! The Williams really know how to throw a bash that includes everything from barbeque corn, freak windstorms, kiddie pool splashing, Guitar Hero II, Insane DARTS, and finally, The Driveway of Fire 2008!

Watching Elise and Tom rock out with Guitar Hero II was hysterical. Before you know it those two will be on tour, seriously. All they need is a headband and fish guitar for Tom and some pink or purple hair for Elise!

Now, the Driveway of Fire 2008 was the best show! I laughed, I cried, it moved me. The only disappointing part was when the night had to be cut short (Hoopla free) because I was tired. Since when is 10:30 ‘way past my bedtime’?


Houston said...

I came, I saw, I weeped with the beauty! Or that could have been the sand in my eye...

Elise Mckenna Peterson: said...

The best part about Driveway of Fire '08 was that everyone had front row seats! It's not going to be like that next year, not after word gets out about how amazing it was. We'll have to expand further back into the garage for Driveway of Fire '09. I'm really glad you and Jake were there :)

Elise Mckenna Peterson: said...

Oh, and it will totally be purple hair for me :D

aubrey said...

It was nothing compared to what is coming in Driveway of Fire 2009, just hold on to your britches woman!!!

I am so glad that you guys came down, we have so, so, so much fun! I hope you got some sleep and are feeling better! Hopefully in the next year or so we will be moving back to your area and we can play like that more often! HURRAH!

TaLaisa said...

That sounds like a party not to be missed!

However being the fire-a-phobic that I am I'd have to watch from the house.